How to Prevent Getting Sick With the Flu This Year
It’s that time of year again, where everyone gets sick with the flu and is out of commission for a couple of days, maybe even a week. While the flu season has begun, there are many individuals that have avoided getting sick with the flu thus far and intend to do so for the rest […]
Planning to Visit Another Country?
In our previous blog, we went into detail about what you should do if you’re injured on your vacation to Washington, D.C. The answer, of course, was to visit a Medics USA urgent care clinic so that we can patch you up and send you on your way to enjoy the rest of your vacation. […]
3 More Tips to Keep Yourself Out of Urgent Care This Summer
We wrote in a previous blog all about some of the summer activities that may cause injuries and now that summer is in full swing in Falls Church we decided that it’s a topic that we ought to revisit. Now that the weather is heating up and people are out and about, taking part in […]
Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, and Heat Stroke: What You Need To Know
If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors during the summer months, you’ll want to ensure you know how to protect yourself from the sun. Not only do you have to worry about sunburns from too much time in the sun, but dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all possible ailments that […]
Should I Visit Urgent Care Or The ER?
If you have a medical problem that can’t wait, you’re going to have to decide whether you need to visit urgent care or an emergency room. While both are sufficient options for when you can’t wait to get an appointment with your primary care provider, there is a difference between the types of care that […]
Essential Flu Season Tips For Parents
Kids getting sick during flu season can often feel inevitable. Young immune systems just aren’t as strong as adult ones. That, coupled with the fact that children often ignore hygienic habits that can help prevent the spread of the flu (influenza) virus from one human to another, means that school aged kids are at increased […]
Tips For Dealing With Stress Over The Holidays
Remember when you were a kid, and you waited all year for the winter holidays to roll around? Back then, it seemed like everything about the holidays was magical, from the lights to the amazing treats that your Grandma was always baking up in the kitchen. Now that you’re an adult, that joy and wonder […]
Yes, Winter Allergies Are A Real Thing
Seasonal allergies affect millions of people and finding relief can be difficult. Although spring and summer are the poster seasons for allergies, it’s important to remember that fall and even winter allergies can pose a serious threat to your health. Your Medics USA urgent care center in Falls Church is open six days a week, […]
Fall Allergies? Medics USA Is Ready To Help
Runny nose. Pounding headache. Itchy eyes. Most people associate seasonal allergies with the spring, when trees, flowers, and weeds are putting out their first blooms, but fall allergies can be just as brutal. If you’ve got symptoms of a cold or the flu that just aren’t going away, you might want to check in with […]