We wrote in a previous blog all about some of the summer activities that may cause injuries and now that summer is in full swing in Falls Church we decided that it’s a topic that we ought to revisit. Now that the weather is heating up and people are out and about, taking part in sandlot baseball games, backyard barbecues, and trips to the pool, we want to provide a few tips for people on how to avoid a trip to our urgent care facility in Falls Church.

Yes, we make a living by running our urgent care center, but our goal, first and foremost, is to make sure that people are happy and healthy–and that means doing our part to make sure they don’t have to make a trip to our urgent care clinic in the first place. Keep reading for a few of the best ways to make sure that you stay safe this summer!

How to Avoid a Trip to Our Urgent Care Center

Be Mindful of the Sun

The temptation that exists in the summer is to be outside as often as possible and while that is always fun, it’s also dangerous. Even if you’re applying sunscreen on a regular basis, the possibility of getting a horrible sunburn unfortunately still exists. Whether you’re reading a book in the backyard or making a trip to Nationals Park for a baseball game, be sure that you take a break from the sun often. Wear a baseball cap and be sure that you have a way to cover up. After all, the last thing you want this summer is a sunburn that causes you to have to seek medical help (and let’s be honest, there’s nothing that can ruin your summer quicker than getting a sunburn–even a mild one–at the wrong moment).

Stay Safe at the Lake

Another thing people like to do during the summer is take a trip to the lake, and why not? Whether your family enjoys fishing, hiking around the lake, or going out in the boat, it’s never a bad idea to practice safety. People tend to relax a good deal in the summer, and while that’s good, it can sometimes lead to injuries. If you’re out on the boat, be sure to wear a life jacket. If you’re hiking, be sure to stay hydrated. If you’re fishing, be sure to cover your body so you can be sure that it’s protected from the sun. So go ahead and relax, but do your best to relax responsibly.

Know Your Limits

For some reason or another, summer can also cause people to be a bit more reckless. Why that is, we’re not exactly sure, but the truth of the matter is that people tend to push themselves more in the summer. From accidents caused by pushing themselves too far while jogging to trying to slide into third base during a softball game, there are no shortage of summer-related accidents. That’s why it’s so important to know what your limits are and be sure that you’re not pushing yourself too hard. Even something as simple as tossing a football back and forth can turn into an emergency if you’re not sure what your limits are.

Of Course, Accidents Do Happen

We live in a world where accidents are inevitable. After all, they’re called accidents because you don’t plan for them to happen. No matter what kind of accident you’re involved in, we want you to know that the urgent care center at Medics USA is here to take great care of you.

We’ve also written recently about whether you should visit urgent care or make a trip to the emergency room which, of course, is only helpful if you’re not currently experiencing an emergency. To put it simply, a trip to urgent care is great if you’re dealing with a sunburn, a fever, broken bones, scrapes, or strains. In other words, things that could be avoided if you follow the advice we outlined above.

Like we said though, accidents will happen no matter what and we’ll be here to take great care of you when they do. If you’re in need of an urgent care doctor in Falls Church, see us today.