3 Holiday Health Hazards That Aren’t So Jolly

For most people, the holidays are a wonderful time of year! Not only does the weather cool off and bring the possibility of beautiful snow, but most people also get a few days off to spend with friends and family. You probably don’t think about the holidays as being a time when your health is […]

Can You Be Allergic To Snow?

Over the course of our past few articles, we’ve been exploring the topic of winter allergies. Although many seasonal allergy sufferers find that their symptoms are worst in the pollen-laden months of spring and summer, fall and winter allergies are also a reality. If you suffer from any type of seasonal allergies, be sure to […]

4 Clever Ways To Fight Back Against Winter Allergies

Many people are shocked to learn that not even in winter can allergy sufferers be safe from an untimely attack. As we discussed in previous post, not only are winter allergies a real thing, they can be the ruination of your festive holiday plans. Who wants to have a leaking nose or puffy red eyes […]

Yes, Winter Allergies Are A Real Thing

Seasonal allergies affect millions of people and finding relief can be difficult. Although spring and summer are the poster seasons for allergies, it’s important to remember that fall and even winter allergies can pose a serious threat to your health. Your Medics USA urgent care center in Falls Church is open six days a week, […]

Is ‘Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever’ Really True?

Your mom said it. Her mom said it. Anytime a child complains of not feeling well during cold and flu season, the doctors at our urgent care centers in Washington, D.C. hear many parents say it: “Feed a cold and starve a fever.” Like many proverbs and old wives tales that we repeat without questioning, many […]

3 Ways To Strengthen Your Immune System

As we mentioned in a previous blog, it’s officially cold and flu season! This is the unfortunate time of year where infections and viruses seem to make their way around offices and schools like wildfire. When it comes to viruses, there’s little you can do to prevent yourself from falling victim besides coming into your […]

Would You Visit A Virtual Doctor?

For over a century, visiting one’s primary care physician in Falls Church meant traveling to medical clinic where you could be seen by the doctor in person. In some very select cases, especially in the early 20th century, doctors would also make house calls for those who were very ill or critically injured, but being […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Be Honest With Your Doctor

Even though most of us have been doing it all our lives, visiting the doctor can still be a nerve-wracking experience. For some reason, patients can get nervous during the question and answer portion of an annual exam or visit about health issues, leading them to answer the questions in the way they think the […]

Make The Most Of Your Primary Care Visit

Primary care providers are different from the physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants you may encounter during a visit to one of our urgent care clinics. While those medical professionals may help you deal with a health emergency, you’re probably not seeing them on a regular basis…or possibly ever again! Your primary care physician, however, is […]