How To Prepare For Your First Visit With A Medics USA Doctor

We’re so thrilled that you’ve chosen Medics USA in Washington D.C. as your primary care provider. Many people know that we’re an urgent care clinic, but we also have full-time primary care doctors that can provide medical care even when it’s not an emergency. A primary care physician is your partner in long-term health. Rather […]

What To Do When Viruses Are Making You Sick

You feel terrible. You’re feverish. Exhausted. You’ve got a headache that just won’t quit. When you finally drag yourself to the Medics USA urgent care in Ashburn (thank goodness they’re open late during the week so you could go after work!), you cross your fingers that the attending physician will be able to give you something–anything–to […]

Fall Allergies? Medics USA Is Ready To Help

Runny nose. Pounding headache. Itchy eyes. Most people associate seasonal allergies with the spring, when trees, flowers, and weeds are putting out their first blooms, but fall allergies can be just as brutal. If you’ve got symptoms of a cold or the flu that just aren’t going away, you might want to check in with […]

Mosquitoes Eating You Alive? This Might Be Why

With all of the alarming information in the media about the Zika virus, people in Washington D.C are more aware of mosquitoes than ever before. What used to be an annoying consequence of living in a humid area that experiences hot temperatures during the summer has now become a genuine cause for alarm. If you’re […]

Should You Go To The Urgent Care Or Emergency Room?

You’re not feeling that well. Maybe you’re even in significant pain. You’ve already called your doctor and they are completely booked for the rest of the day, but you need attention NOW! The infographic below will help you decide whether to seek attention at an emergency room or an urgent care clinic in Asburn! Even […]

Is Your Family #UrgentCarePrepared For The School Year?

At the beginning of August, the Urgent Care Association of America  (UCAOA) announced an exciting new campaign designed to encourage Falls Church families to consider their health while getting ready for back-to-school activities! “There is no way for a family to predict the future, but having a plan in place can make emergency and immediate […]

Veterans Should Be Allowed To Access To Urgent Care

You’d be hard pressed to find an urgent care brand in Ashburn that’s more patriotic than Medics USA. We’ve got ‘USA’ right in our name! With a history of serving Washington D.C. and many locations in Virginia, we’re honored to be able to serve many people who have veterans as their family member or friend. […]

Don’t Forget About Back-To-School Physicals!

Even though we’re in the throws of summer right now, it will be back-to-school time before you know it! Although this revelation is bound to evoke a round of groans from anyone under the age of 18, we know all of you parents out there are silently breathing a sigh of relief. Don’t worry, we […]

Medics USA Can Help You Overcome This Common Healthcare Problem

In a perfect world, you would be able to get in to see your primary care doctor any time you had a health concern, injury, or illness. As we’ve detailed in previous blog posts, it’s important to have a primary care physician because they’re more intimately acquainted with your health history, able to use your complete medical […]