Narrowing Down the Cause of Your Child’s Allergies

With spring just about to settle in for good, many people are preparing for the itchy eyes and endless sneezing that this season is known for. For parents, the first time that their child starts to show signs of allergies, it can look like a cold. After a while, you may notice that the symptoms […]

Spices With Tons of Healthy Benefits

The beginning of a new year is a time where people devote themselves to losing weight and working on a healthy lifestyle. While so many do turn to time in the gym, that’s not the only place that you should look to when seeking out answers for a healthier lifestyle. Unfortunately, a common misconception is […]

Medical Checklist for Your Next Big Trip

Spring break is coming up, which means that a majority of people will be heading out of town, bound for warmer weather. Whether you’re heading to your family’s cabin in Colorado, Disney World Resort in Florida, or you’re taking advantage of this time off and finally cashing in that international vacation that you’ve been dying […]

Fun Ways to Stay Active During the Winter

This time of the year is always so complex — you’re exhausted from the holidays only just ending, but you’ve also just set a New Year’s resolution to prioritize your health. With winter being the time of the year where temperatures are at their lowest in Washington DC, the last thing that might cross your […]

Healthy Resolutions that Don’t Include Weight Loss

The new year is freshly upon us, and so are the New Year’s resolutions. One of the most commonly made resolutions has always been focusing on health. Unfortunately, many people look at this and think that it immediately means spending time at the gym, cutting carbs, or starting a diet. While those are all things […]

Do I Need an Annual Physical?

Routine yearly checkups are often ignored or postponed, but they are very important. Annual physicals provide preventative care, and gives you and your doctor time together to make sure the upcoming year is a healthy one. Medics USA has offices across Virginia and Washington DC that offer primary and urgent care to the citizens of […]

7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy

Did you know that your skin is actually an organ? It’s the largest one your body has, so keeping it healthy should always be a top priority. When you have healthy skin, it helps to support the rest of your body, and promotes better overall health. At Medics USA, we want you to have the […]

How Much Exercise Do You Really Need?

If you’re like most people, the thought of getting up early and going for a run doesn’t sound like all that much fun. Sure, there are a handful of people out there who truly look forward to it each and every day, but most of us would just rather stay in bed. When it comes […]

More Healthy Recipes to Try This Summer

We recently wrote a blog about healthy meal ideas to try for the Fourth of July, but since summer is still in full swing and people across the country are still enjoying time with their grills, we thought maybe we’d bring you fine folks a few more recipes that are sure to delight your taste […]