Can you believe that the Fourth of July is already right around the corner? This summer, as all summers seem to do year in and year out, has flown by. And, of course, everyone loves to have a bit of fun in the sun. That means that people all across the United States will be breaking out their grills and inviting over family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate.

It also means that people will be looking for healthy meal ideas for their backyard barbecues. As everyone’s favorite primary care facility in Ashburn, we’re happy to provide a few ideas for your Independence Day meal that won’t totally throw you off track with your health goals. Keep reading for our tips.

3 Ways to Keep Your Fourth of July Meal Healthy

People everywhere are looking for little ways to eat healthier, but the holidays can be particularly hard. On the one hand, you don’t want to sacrifice on the flavor while you’re celebrating. On the other hand, you don’t want to totally derail your health goals. Here are a few tips for you:

Ditch the Buns

You can still have an incredible burger without the bun. Heck, you can even throw on a slice of cheese and not experience any guilt, knowing that you’re doing away with sugars and carbs that would normally be present in a bun. Wrap the burger in lettuce and enjoy the tasty, tender juiciness of a good burger and we can pretty much guarantee you won’t even miss the bun.

Forget the Fries

Well…the starchy fries that are made using regular potatoes anyway. Instead, opt for a healthier option like sweet potato wedges or grilled asparagus. You could even do away with a grilled side altogether and find a recipe for a salad. Thinking outside of the box a little bit is all that’s required to plan the perfect side dish that friends and family will love.

Try Fruit for Dessert

Instead of ice cream and frozen treats that are filled with processed sugars and dyes, opt for fruit instead. Trust us when we say that a little bit of frozen yogurt and some grilled pineapple will more than make up for the lack of sugary treats you’d normally find at barbecues. Strawberries and bananas make for great grilled treats as well!

Bonus Tip

Coolers filled with sodas are the norm at barbecues, but try flavored sparkling waters instead. They’re equally refreshing and infinitely better for you!

Need to Schedule an Appointment?

Here at Medics USA in Ashburn, we pride ourselves on taking great care of our patients. From yearly physical exams to providing healthier meal options for backyard barbecues, we’re here to make sure that every person who walks through our door gets the care that they need.

So whether you’ve never visited with a primary care physician at Medics USA or you’re just looking to schedule an annual appointment, we’re here to help. As a matter of fact, you can schedule an appointment online right now. It’s as simple as that.

So from our team to yours, we wish you a safe and happy Fourth of July!