Finding A New Doctor When You Move

Thousands of people move into and away from Washington D.C. every year. This includes cities outside the Washington Metro area, such as Falls Church. While there are many aspects of moving to a new city that are fun and exciting, finding new service providers like primary care physicians, hair stylists, and massage therapists can be […]

How To Avoid Food Poisoning

It happens to people across Washington D.C. every day. You visit a new restaurant with coworkers at lunch or you have dinner at your relative’s house on the the weekend. You take a big bite of whatever happens to be on the menu for that day and somewhere in the back of your mind, a […]

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Primary Care Doctors

Here at Medics USA in Falls Church, we want you to know that we’re dedicated to helping you build a healthy lifestyle. We understand that you have a lot on your plate, with responsibilities and social activities pulling you in all directions. We also realize that you don’t want to have to spend a lot […]

Things To Consider When Looking For A Primary Care Physician

Choosing which doctor will provide primary care for your family isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly. However, it’s often a decision that people are forced to make quite quickly, as it’s typically part of the insurance sign-up process. At Medics USA, we realize that here in Washington D.C. you have many options for […]

Tips For Enjoying The Holidays With Diabetes

The holidays are here! Although December might be the coldest, darkest month of the year here in Ashburn, the decorations and festive spirit help to keep our community happy despite the weather. The holidays can present quite a few challenges for people who are trying to stick to a diet or a healthy lifestyle plan. […]

How Does An Urgent Care Treat Migraines?

What do you do when you have a headache? If you’re like most people, you take a dose or two of your preferred over-the-counter pain medication, and continue your day. The headache likely dissipates within an hour or so and you don’t even think about it until the next one causes you discomfort. This isn’t […]

​Tips For Dealing With Stress Over The Holidays

Remember when you were a kid, and you waited all year for the winter holidays to roll around? Back then, it seemed like everything about the holidays was magical, from the lights to the amazing treats that your Grandma was always baking up in the kitchen. Now that you’re an adult, that joy and wonder […]

5 Surprising Ways That Cold Weather Affects Your Health

With the arrival of Thanksgiving, the holiday season will be officially underway, which means cold weather will soon be headed toward the Washington D.C. area. This means cold, snow, ice, and more cold. While winter weather tends to create a nightmare for transportation and energy bills, we often fail to realize that it has a […]

Safe Snow Shoveling Tips To Keep In Mind This Winter

As we detailed in a previous post, the holidays can be quite hazardous to your health (and no, we’re not just talking about the fact that you’ll be cooped up with your relatives for 48 solid hours). Between burns and scalds in the kitchen, to frostbite incurred while shooping your way down the ski slopes, […]