It’s National Donate Life Month! Are You A Donor?

Did you know that you don’t have to wear a cape to be a superhero? You don’t even have to be an EMT, surgeon, or primary care doctor to do something so amazing that it actually saves a person’s life. We’re talking about organ donation! April is officially National Donate Life Month, a time when […]

What Causes Cold Feet And Hands?

For many people in Washington DC, their primary complaint about the cold weather months of December through March is that their feet and hands always seem to be cold. For the entire winter, these people feel like they’re in a battle with the weather, constantly turning up the thermostat, layering their socks, and bundling up […]

How To Protect Seniors During Flu Season

In a previous blog we discussed a few of the reasons that it’s so important for parents to get their kids vaccinated against the influenza virus during flu season. Young children don’t enjoy the strong immune system of their health, adult counterparts, which means they’re at increased risk for contracting especially vicious strains of the […]

Essential Flu Season Tips For Parents

Kids getting sick during flu season can often feel inevitable. Young immune systems just aren’t as strong as adult ones. That, coupled with the fact that children often ignore hygienic habits that can help prevent the spread of the flu (influenza) virus from one human to another, means that school aged kids are at increased […]

Love Foods That Are Toasted Or Roasted? You Could Be At Risk

If you pay attention to health news even half as much as the medical professionals in our urgent care clinics, you’ve probably noticed that there are a LOT of things that can put your health at risk. One year it’s eggs, the next year they tell you eggs are fine. For a long time fat […]

Tips For Better Heart Health This Valentine’s Day

It’s February and even though there’s still lots of cold and snow in store for Falls Church, many people in Virginia are getting excited for Valentine’s Day (our state is for Lovers, after all). Although this is a time of year traditionally reserved for showing love and affection through candy and other “sweet” presents, the […]

Losing ACA Coverage? Medics USA Can Help

Last year the United States held its general election to decide who would serve as the 45th President. The controversial winner was Donald Trump, who ran on a Republican platform that included the promise of repealing the Affordable Care Act. Here at Medics USA, we’re in the business of providing high quality primary and urgent […]

Planning A Healthy Super Bowl Party

The regular season of NFL is finally over and at long last football fans know who’s going to the Super Bowl! Unfortunately for those of us living in the D.C. area, it won’t be our beloved Washington Redskins. The two teams who lived to fight another day are the New England Patriots (surprise, surprise) and […]

Make A Winter Survival Kit For Your Car

The dire warnings from the people of the North came true. Winter is no longer coming, it’s here! While playing in the snow and enjoying the occasional day off from school are fun parts of the winter season, unexpected precipitation and extreme cold mean that it’s also a time of year when we must take […]