At Medics USA, we understand that in this day and age, it can be a challenge to get kids to play outside. With more and more options for where and how to consume television and social media, and with the addition of online learning, kids are getting more screen time than ever. While not all screen time is bad, the primary care doctors at Medics USA still want to encourage kids to get at least one hour of outside play each and every day. If you’re struggling to get your kids away from the screens and out into the fresh air, keep reading for our top tips for getting kids outside. 

Top Tips for Getting Kids to Play Outside 

Schedule a Play Date 

Playing outside is always more fun with a friend. From neighborhood friends to friends from school, ask your child who they want to play with the most and schedule a time for them to play outside at a park or pool. We’re willing to bet it will be hours before you can convince them to leave. 

Encourage Making a Mess 

We know it can be a lot to clean up, but when kids know they have the freedom to play in the mud or splash in puddles, they’re far more excited to run, jump, and play outside. 

Create a Scavenger Hunt 

If your child says they don’t have anything to do outside, give them a list of things they’re sure to find in your yard, and make it fun by calling it a scavenger hunt. Your list can include things like: find the biggest stick, the shiniest rock, and the largest leaf. This could keep them busy for hours. 

Have Fun Outdoor Activities on Hand 

From chalk and bubbles to a Slip ‘n Slide and bikes, if you have a list of outdoor activities your kids can try, they’re more likely to take you up on going outside. 

Plan a Picnic 

Most kids love to eat. Make lunch or snack time even more fun by creating a picnic for your kids to take outside and enjoy on the grass complete with a basket and blanket for the full effect. 

As a parent, we know you’re busy with household chores and work, but any time you’re able to join your kids for time outside, it’s sure to be a memorable experience for the whole family. Suggest any of the activities above to your kids and offer to join them! If you make a point to encourage time outside and model the behavior for your kids, they’ll learn that it’s a part of the routine and something you always do as a family, setting them up for a life-long love of playing outside. 

As always, the primary care doctors at Medics USA are here to answer any question you may have about your child’s health. We’re accepting appointments at all three of our locations, from our Ashburn, VA location to both of our locations in Washington DC, scheduling an appointment at our medical center is easy and convenient. We look forward to seeing you.